Completing AIM Self-Assessment

AIM’s School Self-Assessment is designed to include maximum involvement by all affiliation and affinity groups within the school community. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Appoint a Steering Committee, which consists of a diverse group of three to six individuals. This group will oversee all aspects of the assessment, gather the data, and write the report. They are also responsible for supplying general school statistics and facilitating responder group meetings.
  2. Meet to review guidelines.
  3. Appoint discovery committees. Each committee will assess one of the 11 key areas of the School Self-Assessment.
  4. Convene discovery committee to answer the questions. Each discovery committee should convene as a focus group, with consensus as to the final response for each question, clearly noting any opposing views. Questions require the group to say what is being done well now, along with what could be added, deleted, or improved upon. May meet in a single meeting or may require multiple meetings.
  5. Write report. Facilitator from each discovery committee (member of the steering committee) will write a report to be added to the final report. Steering committee writes final report.