Find a School > Day Schools > Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School


17701 Devonshire St, Northridge, CA, 91325-1213, United States

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Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School, a community Jewish day school, provides a rich dual-curricular education that encourages independent and critical thinking, lifelong learning, self-awareness, and compassion. In partnership with our families, we inspire our students to become active, dedicated, ethical, and informed citizens and leaders who are committed to Israel and the vitality of the Jewish people.

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Student body CoEd
Grade Levels Pre-School, Elementary/Primary School, Middle School/Junior High School
Enrollment Size 301-500
Religious Affiliation Jewish
School Type Day
Extended Schedule After-School, Summer
Services Available Kosher Cafeteria, Lunch, Transportation
Language Programs American Sign, Hebrew, Spanish
Sports Programs Basketball, Cheerleading, Flag Football, Soccer, Volleyball
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences
Other Characteristics Experiential Learning, Global Education, Leadership, Responsible Citizenship Curriculum, STEAM, STEM Education