Find a School > Day Schools > Centreville Layton School


6201 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE, 19807-1017, United States

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The program identifies academic and social needs of the individual and provides a curriculum that focuses on problem solving and critical thinking. Through intervention and strengthening learning strategies, the school empowers each student to reach his or her potential.

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Student body CoEd
Grade Levels Pre-School, Elementary/Primary School, Middle School/Junior High School, High School, Post-Graduate School
Enrollment Size 0-100
Religious Affiliation No Religious Affiliation
School Type Day
Extended Schedule After-School, Before-School, Summer
Sports Programs Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross-country Running, Golf, Soccer, Track and Field
Learning Styles Focused on Learning Differences

Contact the School

Meghan Kivler Director of Admissions & Advancement 302-571-0230