Find a School > Day Schools > Beacon Academy


1574 Sherman Ave, Evanston, IL, 60201-4422, United States

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Established in 2014, Beacon Academy re-imagined the high school education experience to offer 9-12 grad students a challenging and innovative curriculum, engaging them in meaningful study and research. Independence, freedom, and choice are some of the principals of Montessori adolescent neuroscience that complements the rigor and depth of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and provides the foundation for instructional practices and student life. Based in Evanston, IL., faculty embrace the entirety of the Chicagoland area as a classroom, inspiring students to explore municipal resources as learning labs and engage with adults in the community. By graduation, a rigorous academic program, meaningful internships and community engagement ensure that these young adults have mastered the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind necessary to offer the world their intelligence, confidence, and compassion.

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Student body CoEd
Grade Levels High School
Enrollment Size 101-200
Religious Affiliation No Religious Affiliation
School Type Day
Extended Schedule Summer
Services Available Lunch
Language Programs American Sign, Arabic, French, Spanish
Sports Programs Basketball, Cross-country Running, Fencing, Flag Football, Sailing, Soccer, Squash, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences
Other Characteristics Experiential Learning, International Baccalaureate, STEAM

Contact the School

Paige Haden Assistant Director of Admissions 224-999-1177