Find a School > Day Schools > Alexandria Country Day School


2400 Russell Rd, Alexandria, VA, 22301-1536, United States

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Our Mission: Challenge students intellectually; inspire their confidence, curiosity, and creativity; and prepare them to thrive in a diverse and complex world by ensuring that they are independent learners, effective communicators, community minded citizens, and balanced individuals. Thirty-one years ago, a group of parents and educators set out to start a Kindergarten through eighth grade school that would offer a forward thinking, creative program designed to nurture intellectual engagement, joyful play, and commitment to community.  From its humble beginnings in the basement of the Del Ray Baptist church to the stately and well-equipped building we now occupy, one thing has driven all that we do: an enduring commitment to the intellectual and moral growth of our children.  ACDS has grown and matured over the years, adding facilities, faculty, and technology, but the spirit of our mission has remained unchanged. Alexandria Country Day School provides its students with an educational program that inspires curiosity and intellectual engagement, prepares them to succeed in the most challenging high schools, and allows them to discover who they are in a safe and caring environment. The development of strong communication skills, with particular emphasis on public speaking, is a hallmark of the School’s academic program. Small class size allows for frequent individual attention. Technology is integrated into all classrooms, and every student in third through eighth grade is issued his or her own iPad. Among Alexandria Country Day’s greatest assets is its Kindergarten through eighth grade structure. From the teachers we hire to the facility we occupy and the curriculum we teach, this configuration allows us to focus on the unique needs of children ages 5 to 14 without the distractions and very different social and academic dynamics a high school brings.

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Student body CoEd
Grade Levels Elementary/Primary School, Middle School/Junior High School
Enrollment Size 101-200
Religious Affiliation No Religious Affiliation
School Type Day
Extended Schedule After-School
Services Available Lunch
Language Programs Spanish
Sports Programs Conditioning, Cross-country Running, Soccer, Table Tennis
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences

Contact the School

Liz Hendrickson Director of Admission and Financial Aid 703-548-4804