Find a School > Day Schools > Academy of Notre Dame de Namur


560 Sproul Rd, Villanova, PA, 19085-1220, United States

Map of the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, with a marker.
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The Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school, commits itself to the education of young women of grades 6 through 12 for responsible living in a global society.

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Student body Girls
Grade Levels Middle School/Junior High School, High School
Enrollment Size 501-700
Religious Affiliation Catholic
School Type Day
Extended Schedule Summer
Services Available Lunch, Transportation
Language Programs Chinese (Mandarin), French, Latin, Spanish
Sports Programs Basketball, Crew, Cross-country Running, Fencing, Field Hockey, Golf, Lacrosse, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming/Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball
Learning Styles Focused on Learning Differences, Gifted Program, Support Learning Differences
Other Characteristics Arts Specialty, Global Education, Leadership, STEM Education

Contact the School

Maria Breck Gunn Director of Enrollment 610-687-3867