Find a School > Boarding Day Schools > Annie Wright Schools


827 N Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, WA, 98403-2832, United States

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OUR MISSION: Annie Wright's strong community cultivates individual learners to become well-educated, creative and responsible citizens for a global society.

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Student body CoEd
Grade Levels Pre-School, Elementary/Primary School, Middle School/Junior High School, High School
Enrollment Size 701-1000
Religious Affiliation Episcopal
School Type Boarding Day
Extended Schedule After-School, Before-School, Summer
Services Available Lunch, Transportation
Language Programs Chinese (Mandarin), French, Spanish
Sports Programs Basketball, Conditioning, Cross-country Running, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences
Other Characteristics Arts Specialty, International Baccalaureate, Leadership

Contact the School

Abigail Drivdahl Upper School Admissions Director, International Boarding - Asia 253-284-5437