Find a School > Day Schools > Cathedral School for Boys


1275 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA, 94108-1910, United States

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To provide an excellent education for boys at the elementary level. To attract a diverse student body of strong academic potential. To provide a school committed to intellectual inquiry and rigor, centered in the Episcopal tradition, respectful of and welcoming to people of all religious traditions and beliefs. To develop social responsibility through exemplary programs of outreach and service. To create a community bonded by open-heartedness, hope, compassion and concern.

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Student body Boys
Grade Levels Elementary/Primary School, Middle School/Junior High School
Enrollment Size 201-300
Religious Affiliation Episcopal
School Type Day
Extended Schedule After-School, Before-School, Summer
Services Available Lunch
Language Programs Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish
Sports Programs Basketball, Bowling, Conditioning, Cross-country Running, Golf, Soccer, Track and Field, Volleyball
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences