Find a School > Day Schools > All Saints' Episcopal Day School


6300 North Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85012-1109, United States

Map of the All Saints' Episcopal Day School, with a marker.
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All Saints' Episcopal Day School in Phoenix, Arizona, is a parish-affiliated pre-k through eighth-grade coeducational institution enrolling approximately 535 students. Situated 10 minutes from downtown in the north-central area of Phoenix, the campus is in an attractive residential area along beautiful tree-shaded streets. The 16-acre campus is shared with All Saints’ Episcopal Church. All Saints’ Episcopal Day School is open and inclusive of all religious traditions and embraces diversity as a value to be sought, including in its employment practices. All Saints’ is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and holds membership in the National Association of Independent Schools, the Arizona Association of Independent Schools, the National Association of Episcopal Schools, and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools. All Saints’ Episcopal Day School is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Student body CoEd
Grade Levels Pre-School, Elementary/Primary School, Middle School/Junior High School
Enrollment Size 501-700
Religious Affiliation Episcopal
School Type Day
Extended Schedule After-School, Summer
Services Available Lunch
Language Programs Spanish
Sports Programs Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross-country Running, Flag Football, Soccer, Softball, Track and Field, Volleyball
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences

Contact the School

Jacqueline Kennedy Director of Admissions 602-274-4866