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6400 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87109-3899, United States

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The academy is committed to providing access to an enriched educational experience for students of character and talent and throughout the city. We devote as many of our resources as we can to help families afford an academy education and to support the wider community through outreach programs. Though financial assistance funds aren't unlimited, the academy is one of the most generous independent schools in the nation, providing over $4 million in financial assistance each year. Here we foster an ethos of kindness and collaboration among students - not academic competition. We inspire and support one another. And we strive to make students of all backgrounds feel valued.

Student body CoEd
Grade Levels Middle School/Junior High School, High School
Enrollment Size 1001+
Religious Affiliation No Religious Affiliation
School Type Day
Extended Schedule Summer
Services Available Lunch
Language Programs Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Japanese, Spanish
Sports Programs Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross-country Running, Dance Team, Football, Golf, Kayaking, Soccer, Softball, Swimming/Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Weight Lifting, Wrestling
Learning Styles Support Learning Differences
Other Characteristics Experiential Learning, Global Education, Outdoor

Contact the School

Juaquin Moya Director of Admissions 505-270-1377