NAIS Institute on Intercultural Dialogue in Partnership with the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG)

Registration for the 2024 NAIS Institute on Intercultural Dialogue in Partnership with the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG) is now closed.

2024 NAIS Institute on Intercultural Dialogue in Partnership with the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG)
July 15–17, 2024  
NAIS Headquarters, Washington, DC

This three-day institute organized by NAIS in partnership with the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG) focuses on how schools can utilize intercultural dialogue to engage your community and further your strategic goals, especially around contested issues or at times of division. Intercultural dialogue is proven pedagogy that helps students and faculty listen with empathy and respectfully share perspectives to build a more inclusive community. The institute will explore model practices in intercultural dialogue developed over three years of practice and research with school leaders.  

Participants in this institute will learn how to identify mission-aligned intercultural dialogue skills that will work for your school’s unique context and design your own program to develop these skills in students and faculty. Teaching intercultural dialogue skills and facilitation can empower teachers and students to lead in the classroom and beyond, including in student leadership, advisory, clubs, affinity spaces, and courses. The specific school examples shared will encompass various entry points, including schools with limited budgets or resources. Learn to think about competency-based learning outcomes as part of your strategy to navigate conflict or engage in challenging topics as you build a sense of belonging for each student.


This new institute will benefit school leaders; educators working in student leadership and student life; social science, humanities, and language teachers; division leaders; global education leaders; and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) leaders.

Topics Covered

Led by esteemed facilitators, the event will focus on the following key topics:
  • What intercultural dialogue is;
  • The skills and competencies that can be developed best using intercultural dialogue;
  • Furthering your strategic goals and initiatives with intercultural dialogue;
  • Model practices in dialogue design, implementation, and facilitation;
  • Leading and facilitating intercultural dialogues pre-, mid-, and post-dialogue;
  • Developing a pool of trained facilitators that includes students and faculty;
  • Communications and developing buy-in across stakeholders; and
  • Scaling and assessing an intercultural dialogue initiative.

Registration Information  

Registration for the 2024 NAIS Institute on Intercultural Dialogue in Partnership with the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG) is now closed.
Registration Pricing Early Bird Pricing
(Through 3/27)
Standard Pricing
(On or After 3/28)
Member price $1,050 $1,200
Nonmember price* $1,375 $1,525

*Contact us for more information about the benefits of NAIS membership, including discounted event pricing.

Note: If any NAIS or GEBG member schools are interested in sending more than one participant, we can accept up to four attendees per school. If schools are interested in sending more than four participants, please contact NAIS to place the additional participants on a waiting list. We will accept them on a first-come, first-served basis as soon as we know we have available space. Please do not make any travel arrangements until you are registered. We can only accept up to four attendees per nonmember school.

Hotel Accommodations

NAIS has reserved a block of rooms at the discounted rate of $189/night (plus tax) at the Yours Truly DC Hotel (1143 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20037). Book your room here by June 25 to get the discounted rate. To adjust the dates of the reservation, click on the dates themselves and a dropdown calendar will appear for the appropriate selection. As a reminder, the program will take place at the NAIS Headquarters and is within a short walking distance from the Yours Truly hotel.


  • Monday, July 15, 1:00–4:30 PM ET
  • Tuesday, July 16, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM ET
  • Wednesday, July 17, 8:30 AM–12:00 PM ET
The program will begin at 1:00 PM ET on July 15, and end at 12:00 PM ET on July 17. Stay tuned for a detailed schedule and institute program coming soon.

2024 Facilitators

The NAIS Institute for Intercultural Dialogue in Partnership with GEBG will be facilitated by GEBG staff and board members as follows:
  • Melissa Brown, director of professional learning and intercultural programs, GEBG
  • Chad Detloff, senior director of strategic initiatives, GEBG
  • Clare Sisisky, executive director, GEBG; postdoctoral research fellow, The Klingenstein Center, Columbia University  

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be received in writing at this email address: [email protected]. Cancellations received up to 30 days (June 15) before the program's start date will be fully refunded, less a $75 administrative fee. Cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the program will not be refunded.

Contact Information

Please contact [email protected] or 202-973-9700 with any questions.