NAIS Research Analyst
Executive Summary

The ISHC assesses these topics, among others: academic performance and pressure; family and social relationships, and mental health; high-risk behaviors, including substance abuse, unprotected sex, and bullying; sleep habits; diet; and internet use and social media.
This report details the most significant changes in results between the 2022-2023 ISHC survey and the 2014-2017 ISHC baseline. These two sets of data offer insight into students’ well-being prior to and following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The most significant changes fell within four categories: internet safety, academic performance and pressure, mental health, and perceptions of high-risk behavior.
Downloadable Content
- Read the full NAIS Research Advisory: 2022-2023 Independent School Health Check Report: Key Changes in High School Results (PDF; member login required)
Related Resources
- NAIS Independent School Health Check (ISHC) Survey
- NAIS Research: Learning Loss in Independent Schools, Part 2: Mental Health in the Pandemic Era
- NAIS Research on LGBTQ+ Youth Well-Being: Part 2: LGBTQ+ Students and the Independent School Health Check
- NAIS Research Advisory: Trends in Grades, Academic Pressure, and Belonging by Race
- NAIS Research: Trends in the 2023 High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE)