NAIS Board of Trustees

The NAIS Board of Trustees, currently composed of 16 individuals, addresses its fiduciary, strategic, and generative duties, led by the officers and the Executive Committee. The full board meets three times a year: in November, in late February or early March, and again in June. The board has four standing committees and one subcommittee.

Selection of Trustees and Call for Nominations

The NAIS Board of Trustees generally issues a call for nominations each July for a class of trustees that will serve a three-year term commencing at the following year’s NAIS Annual Meeting. After reviewing all of the nominations with the board’s strengths and needs in mind, the Governance Committee puts forth a slate of candidates. Members vote on this slate at the NAIS Annual Meeting, which takes place during Thrive, the NAIS annual conference.  

The call for nominations for the NAIS Board of Trustees’ Class of 2028 will open on Friday, July 26, 2024, and will close at 11:59 PM ET on Friday, September 27, 2024. 

NAIS Trustee Nomination Process

The candidate must complete the Board Candidate Submission Form, which includes educational background, statements of interest, demographic information, and professional affiliations. We ask that you attach your resume and a letter of reference in support of your nomination.

Criteria for the Class of 2028 (to be elected in February 2025)

NAIS trustees are champions of independent education who help ensure that the association serves member schools well. Trustees serve three-year terms that begin in March.

The Governance Committee of the board is seeking nominations of heads of independent schools and CEOs of education organizations who are working on the biggest issues facing NAIS member schools today, such as pioneering innovative approaches to education, fostering inclusive and cohesive communities, addressing workforce challenges, and creating sustainable financial models.

We are committed to creating an inclusive board and particularly encourage the nomination of members of historically underrepresented groups (i.e. those marginalized by race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.) The committee will consider factors such as school/organization type, size, and geographic region.

Steps for Submitting Nominations (All Steps Must Be Completed by September 27, 2024)

1. To Submit a Nomination for Yourself: 

  • Complete and submit your Board Candidate Submission Form. The form includes the following sections: contact information; demographic information; comments on your interest in serving on the board; and key skills and professional affiliations. We also ask that you attach your resume and one letter of recommendation in support of your nomination.
  • Reminder: Note that only those nominations that are complete by September 27 will be taken into consideration and will be reviewed by the NAIS Governance Committee. Individuals nominated by another person must still submit a Board Candidate Submission Form with a reference letter and resume to be considered complete. 

2. To Submit a Nomination for Someone Else:

  • Submit a nomination (link coming soon). The candidate will receive an email from NAIS, notifying them about the nomination for the NAIS board. The email will encourage them to complete the Board Candidate Submission Form.
  • Nomination: Note that your nomination is simply a nomination, and it will not serve as a reference for the candidate. If the candidate wishes you to be their reference, please send the candidate a reference letter that they can attach to their form. If the candidate you're nominating is not interested in being considered to serve on the NAIS Board of Trustees, no further action is required.

3. Timetable for the NAIS Board Nomination and Election Process

  • July: The call for nominations opens July 26. 
  • September: September 27 is the deadline to complete the Board Candidate Submission Form. If you are nominating someone else, please keep this final deadline in mind and submit the nomination form ahead of this date.  
  • November: After reviewing candidates for the Class of 2028, the NAIS Governance Committee proposes a slate of new trustees to the NAIS Board. The Board votes on the slate.
  • February: At the NAIS Annual Meeting of Members, held during Thrive, the NAIS annual conference, the NAIS membership will elect the Class of 2028 trustees and officers.

If you have any questions concerning the NAIS Board of Trustees nomination process, please contact Erica Zematis at [email protected].



For questions about the NAIS Board of Trustees, please contact Noni Thomas López, chair of the Governance Committee and Head of the Gordon School (RI), at [email protected], or Myra McGovern, NAIS vice president of external relations and Governance Committee liaison, at [email protected].